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Ben Brophy – “A Basement, A Red Light & A Feelin’ – A Madhouse Compilation’” (Madhouse Records – 1992)

“Firstly let me say it’s been testament to Kerri just how responsive everyone who’s contributed to this project has been. And the comments from everyone…..people from all around the world getting back in touch straight away, eager to share their thoughts, love and memories of Kerri. It says all that needs to be said!

OK so I’m cheating and selecting a release over a single track, but that’s exercising editor’s prerogative right? Whilst I could have easily chosen Inspiration which is definitely my most played Kerri track (and for which it was an honour to be asked to play it on keys alongside him recently), it has to be ‘A Basement, A Red Light & A Feelin’” – a) because of what it represents b) because it’s near the start of the exciting Kerri Chandler production journey and c) because no one else has selected it.

The title says it all – you can hear that it’s the spirit in which the music was (and is) made and intended. Raw, underground, emotive & deep. The simplicity. The tight production. The SOUL. Kamar’s ‘I Need You’, Dreamer G’s ‘I Got That Feeling’ & Krista’ FA’s ‘Why You Wanna’! I didn’t know who Kerri Chandler was before this, but I soon realised that whoever he was, his music was hitting the mark every time, without fail. It really talked to me. It was an exciting era for the music and hearing these tracks played on the pirates and at underground London spots is largely what inspired (and continues to inspire) me to seek musical goodness on dancefloors every week.

Krista FA ‘Why You Wanna’ – from 1992′s ‘A Basement, A Red Light & A Feelin’ – a Madhouse Compilation’

As many contributors commented when compiling these favourites, just to have ONE of these tracks in one’s production repertoire would make you proud. To have dozens (we haven’t even touched the likes of See Line Woman, Heal Your Heart or another 20) speaks volumes of the man. Oh, and humbleness: the most endearing trait one can have. Kerri embodies it. Kerri’s always stayed TRUE to both himself and his music and that’s repeated in all the sentiments above. Gifted, sincere, genuine and deep. A visionary and respected pioneer. I’m very grateful for both his music and his friendship. An inspiration. R.e.S.p.E.c.T.

And just taking the liberty to wrap up with this (Kerri Chandler – The Dick Dickler E.P – feat. E.Q a.k.a The XTC Queen- The Bar)
as no one’s mentioned it and it deserves to be included. Sexy, deep, dark room, big system, early hours bliss. Music to get lost inside of.”

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