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Massimiliano Gerosa – “Insomnia Again – Kerri Chandler” (Madhouse – 1992)

“My favourite track of Kerri is “Insomnia Again” coming from the “Panic EP” on Madhouse. This song has always represented something special for me because I love the piano rides in it: the piano keys/phrases, KC typical Madhouse beats, dope basslines and occasional male vocal sample! I have a beautiful memory of me listening to “Insomnia Again” one day in my room over and over many times while I was playing with my pc to Rollcage, an arcade-style racing game in which cars can drive on walls or ceilings because of the airflow passing over them at extreme speeds. I think this song completely describes settings of Harpoon Islands, a series of tracks of the game on a group of tropical islands.

I think I could never stop to say thank you Kerri for producing such a splendid musical gem like “Insomnia Again” is. Thank you Master!”

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