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Tomson (Development Music) – “What is 6:23 – Kerri Chandler” (Trionisphere The Album – King Street – 2003)

“This record really sums up Kerri’s music for me. Simple but visionary. raw but timeless. His style and the quality of his craft is unmistakable and he’s done it with untouchable consistency for longer than anyone should even bother counting.

I’ll never forget Kerri attempting to play the chords off this record on a vintage Victorian organ in the back room of the Mint Lounge in Manchester the night of a gig we played together there. Even on that tired and dusty old instrument he managed to create a sound instantly recognisable as Mr 6:23!

His passion is infectious and you can hear it in everything he touches. A maverick, a true inspiration and a leader for many years to come.”

Brawther / Izmo (Balance Recordings, My Love Is Underground) – What is 6:23 – Kerri Chandler (Trionisphere The Album – King Street – 2003)

“Kerri Chandler has got to be New Jersey’s finest musical pioneer and innovator and one of my greatest inspirations as a humble house music lover. You are one of the artist that sealed the deal for me, some call it love at first sight! Since Trionisphere is my personal favorite album – “It’s You” and “What is 6:23?” sum up everything iIlove about you… Keep on rollin’…”

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